
Row, Row, Row your boat
In the digital world
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Sail your trouble away.

    The turbulence and chaos in the world today have far exceeded the ups-and-downs of the wave. Each one of us is like a passenger on the boat which floats with the current. We cannot control what’s going on around us, and we certainly do not have the power to pacify the turbulence. We are all in this hard time together. Many of our daily activities have been significantly impacted by the pandemic, by the Gorge Floyd incident, and by the social distancing guidelines.

    Now, more than ever, digital tools become one of the necessities in our lives. We use zoom for classes, use Netflix for entertainment, and use Facebook for communications. In the digital world, we see the emergence of utopia. This piece is devoted to representing the technology-centered idealism — it creates a place where harmonic music is generated automatically to please ourselves, and where perfect and pure mathematical equations are calculated in the wave functions to satisfy our eyes.